Journal Entries
- Introduction
- Journal entries are used to enter transactions directly into the Banner Finance system.
- They can be used to reclassify revenue, expenses, assets and/or liabilities between FOAPALs.
- They are also used to transfer available cash or budget (contact accountants with questions).
- Journal entries are NOT to be used for payroll expenses. Always use a labor redistribution form to make corrections or reclassifications.
- Always use the most current Journal entry form from our website; do not save these forms on your desktop for use.
- Corrections or reclassifications
The following questions must be answered and documented before a correcting or reclassifying journal entry can be processed:
- What caused the transaction to be recorded in the incorrect FOAP?
- Why is it appropriate to move the expense to the new FOAP?
- If the original entry was made over two months prior to the correction, what caused the delay in correcting the entry?
Only current year transactions can be corrected or reclassified.
- Transferring available cash or budget
- Documentation
The following documentation is required with each journal entry. Journal entries submitted without documentation will be returned to the department and not processed.
- Journal entry form completely filled out.
- Backup from Banner (FGITRND screen shots or FIN002 are preferred)
- Invoice, statement, email or other form of backup
Journal entries should be submitted through Xtender to your assigned accountant.
- Journal entry vs FUPLOAD form
The Journal Entry form may be used to process up to eight total entries. You will submit this through Xtender.
If you have more than eight entries, please use the FUPLOAD form. You may enter up to 250 lines on each FUPLOAD form. The documentation and approval requirements are the same as regular journal entries.
When using the FUPLOAD form, you need to upload the following in Xtender and route to your fund accountant:
1) pdf of the FUPLOAD
2) FUPLOAD spreadsheet
3) appropriate supporting documentationBe sure all journal entries and FUPLOADs are stamped with proper FOAP approval.